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Tips to Declutter and Get Your Life Organized in the New Year!

The Fortress Secure Team | December 27, 2023 @ 12:00 AM

Ahhh, those pesky New Year’s resolutions. We love to hate them, yet we make them year after year. We just can’t help ourselves. It’s tradition after all.


Thing is, most of our resolutions barely make it out of the starting gate before they get swept under the rug and become a thing of the past. Don’t dismay–we have a few successful tricks up our sleeves when it comes to one of our most popular resolutions…getting more organized and decluttering.


Whether you’re working on letting go of what no longer sparks joy or finding creative options for keeping and storing items that you can’t bear to part with, here are a few simple tips and tricks to help you channel your inner-Marie Kondo.


Say goodbye to shoving everything in the closet and hoping that the door stays shut without you leaning against it with all your might…or even better, that it doesn’t avalanche on you when you open the door! Clearing the clutter and getting better organized doesn’t just make your space look better; it also produces a more tranquil atmosphere and peace of mind. Just think how great it will feel to know exactly where something is when you need it.


There’s no need to part ways with everything. Whatever you choose to keep should have a “home.” For those beloved seasonal or occasionally used items, such as holiday décor or fine china, storage units are a great option, including these facilities located in Arroyo Grande and Santa Maria.


While it can feel overwhelming, just remember that small successes make for big ones. Rather than trying to tackle an entire room at once, design smaller, bite-sized goals such as starting with a corner of a room or clearing out a drawer.


Pint-sized goals invite shorter, less daunting stints. Rather than chinking away for several hours, perhaps try working in 20-minute segments. If something can be handled in a few minutes, take care of it right away.


Let’s say you just grabbed the mail. Take a couple of minutes to sort through it, immediately discarding the junk and filing anything of importance. Scan receipts. You’ll free your future self from frantically combing through random piles of papers for that vital bill or letter.


A little effort each day goes a very long way. Just think of the free time you’ll create to do what truly brings you joy in the peace and serenity of your organized, clutter-free life. 

The Fortress Secure Team
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